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How to customize the caption alignment in the WinForms Office2007Form?

1 min read

Customize the caption alignment

The Caption alignment can be specified in the Office2007Form by disabling its property, ApplyAeroTheme. This property enables or disables Aero theme when the Office2007Form is enabled.  By disabling the ApplyAeroTheme, the title alignment can be changed by using its property, CaptionAlign. The following code example demonstrates the same.


//Disables Aerotheme.
this.ApplyAeroTheme = false;
//Sets left alignment of the form title.
this.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
//Sets center alignment of the form title.
this.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
//Sets right alignment of the form title.
this.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;


'Disables Aerotheme.
Me.ApplyAeroTheme = False
'Sets left alignment of the form title.
Me.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left
'Sets center alignment of the form title.
Me.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
'Set right alignment of the form title.
Me.CaptionAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right


Title aligned in left side of the window

Figure 1: Title aligned to the left side of the window

Title aligned in center of the window

Figure 2: Title aligned to the center of the window

Title aligned in right side of the window

Figure 3: Title aligned to the right side of the window


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