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How to customize the appearance of the WinForms GroupBar?

1 min read

Visual styles

The appearance of the GroupBar control can be customized by using the property, VisualStyle. The following code example demonstrates the same.


//Sets the visual style.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Metro;
//Displays the GroupBar with flat look.
this.groupBar1.FlatLook = true;
//Sets the Fore color.
this.groupBar1.ForeColor = Color.White;
//Sets the back color.
this.groupBar1.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
//Sets the border style.
this.groupBar1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
//Sets the border color.
this.groupBar1.BorderColor = Color.White;
//Sets the default visual style.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Default;
//Sets the Visual style as OffcieXP.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.OfficeXP;
//Sets the Visual style as Office2003.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2003;
//Sets the Visual style as VS2005.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.VS2005;
//Sets the Visual style as Office2007.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2007;
//Sets the Visual style as Office2010.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2010;
//Sets the Visual style as VS2010.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.VS2010;
//Sets the Visual style as Metro.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Metro;
//Sets the Visual style as Office2007Outlook.
this.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2007Outlook;


'Sets the visual style.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Metro
'Displays the GroupBar with flat look.
Me.groupBar1.FlatLook = True
'Sets the Fore color.
Me.groupBar1.ForeColor = Color.White
'Sets the back color.
Me.groupBar1.BackColor = Color.LightGray
'Sets the border style.
Me.groupBar1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
'Sets the border color.
Me.groupBar1.BorderColor = Color.White
'Sets the default visual style.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Default
'Sets the Visual style as OffcieXP.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.OfficeXP
'Sets the Visual style as Office2003.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2003
'Sets the Visual style as VS2005.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.VS2005
'Sets the Visual style as Office2007.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2007
'Sets the Visual style as Office2010.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2010
'Sets the Visual style as VS2010.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.VS2010
'Sets the Visual style as Metro
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Metro
'Sets the Visual style as Office2007Outlook.
Me.groupBar1.VisualStyle = VisualStyle.Office2007Outlook

The following screenshot displays the customized GroupBar items.

Customize the group bar items

Figure 1: Customized GroupBar items


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