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How to add an item to the Quick Access Toolbar in WPF Ribbon control?

1 min read

You can add the item to Quick Access ToolBar (QAT) in WPF Ribbon control by the following ways.

To add an item to the Quick Access Toolbar, refer to the following steps.

  1. Click on the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down button and click the MoreCommands menu.
  2. Using the Choose commands from drop-down list, you can filter the items.
  3. To add the item into the Quick Access Toolbar, first select the item from left-side column and click the Add button. Click the OK button and the selected item are added to the QAT.
  4. You can also directly add the item from the WPF Ribbon control to QAT, by right clicking the item that you want to add in QAT followed by, clicking Add to Quick Access Toolbar option from the context menu.

The following screenshots illustrate the output of the above steps.

Filtering items using choose command from drop-down list


QAT containing the selected items in WPF Ribbon control.


Adding the item to QAT directly in WPF Ribbon control


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