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How to get the cell coordinates under a given point in WinForms GridControl?

2 mins read

Get the cell coordinates

In WinForms Gridcontrol , when the point is given as part of one of the grid’s mouse event arguments, then the e.X and e.Y members of the event arguments should give the point in the grid’s coordinates. Once you have the point in the grid coordinates, you can call the ViewLayout.PointToClientRowCol method to get the row and column under that point.


int row, col;
//In a mouse event, you might have a code such as this to get the point.
Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
//In other situations, you could use the static Cursor.Position method to get the current mousepoint in screen coordinates.
Point pt = this.gridControl1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
//Get the row and col.
gridControl1.ViewLayout.PointToClientRowCol(pt, out row, out col, true);
//From the row, col, you can get the cell rectangle.
Rectangle cellRect = this.gridControl1.RangeInfoToRectangle(GridRangeInfo.Cell(row, col));
//Show the row and col.
MessageBox.Show("row " + row + "col " + col + " is selected");



Dim row, col As Integer
'In a mouse event, you might have a code such as this to get the point.
Dim pt As New Point(e.X, e.Y)
'In other situations, you could use the static Cursor.Position method to get the current mousepoint in screen coordinates.
Dim pt As Point = Me.gridControl1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
'Get the row and col.
gridControl1.ViewLayout.PointToClientRowCol(pt, row, col, True)
'From the row, col, you can get the cell rectangle.
Dim cellRect As Rectangle = Me.gridControl1.RangeInfoToRectangle(GridRangeInfo.Cell(row, col))
'Show the row and col.
MessageBox.Show("row " & row & "col " & col & " is selected")


After applying the properties, the grid is shown as below,

Show the coordinates of the cell

Figure 1: Get the co-ordinates of the cell



C#: Cell-coordinates

VB: Cell-coordinates

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