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How to set the data source for the Grid Control ?

1 min read

Grid’s data source can be referred from the locally stored data source. Data for the Grid is stored in local database window.gridData. You can refer to the following code examples.



            // the datasource "window.gridData" is defined for grid

         window.gridData = [

             { "OrderID": 10001, "CustomerID": 101, "Freight": "Chicago" },

             { "OrderID": 10002, "CustomerID": 102, "Freight": "San Francisco" },

             { "OrderID": 10003, "CustomerID": 103, "Freight": "New York" },



Create a div element to initialize the Grid control as in the following code example.

<div id="mobgridfilter"></div>

Locally stored values from the window.gridData can be passed as a data source to the Grid on initialization. You can refer to the following code example.



$(function () {


                dataSource: window.gridData, //Datasource referred here

                columns: [

                         { field: "OrderID", headerText: "Order ID" },

                         { field: "CustomerID", headerText: "Customer ID" },

                         { field: "Freight", headerText: "Freight" }


                actionComplete: function () { $("#samplescroll").ejmScrollPanel("refresh"); }




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