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How to copy the selected range of cells to the clipboard in WinForms GridControl and GridDataBoundGrid ?

2 mins read

Copy the selected range of cells to the clipboard

In WinForms GridControl, you can copy the text programmatically from a selected range of cells to the clipboard by using the CopyTextToClipboard method.


// To copy selected ranges in grid control.
bool val = this.gridControl1.CutPaste.CopyTextToClipboard(this.gridControl1.Selections.Ranges);
Console.WriteLine(" Selected Range of cells(GridControl)are in Clipboard. This is" + val);
MessageBox.Show("Data copied");
//To copy selected range of cells to clipboard in GridDataBoundGrid.
bool val = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CutPaste.CopyTextToClipboard(this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Selections.Ranges);
Console.WriteLine(" Selected Range of cells(GridDataBoundGrid)are in Clipboard. This is" + val);
MessageBox.Show("Data copied");


'To copy selected ranges in grid control.
Dim val As Boolean = Me.gridControl1.CutPaste.CopyTextToClipboard(Me.gridControl1.Selections.Ranges)
Console.WriteLine(" Selected Range of cells(GridControl)are in Clipboard. This is" & val)
MessageBox.Show("Data copied")
'To copy selected range of cells to clipboard in GridDataBoundGrid.
Dim val As Boolean = Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.CutPaste.CopyTextToClipboard(Me.gridDataBoundGrid1.Selections.Ranges)
Console.WriteLine(" Selected Range of cells(GridDataBoundGrid)are in Clipboard. This is" & val)
MessageBox.Show("Data copied")

Refer to the following screenshot.

Copy the selected range of cells

Figure 1: Copy the selected range of cells


C#: CopySelectedRanges

VB: CopySelectedRanges

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