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How to implement the ContextTooltip feature in WinForms SyntaxEditor (EditControl)?

1 min read


The ContextTooltip can be populated with additional information on the corresponding lexem by handling the EditControl's UpdateContextTooltip event. Please refer the below code snippets.


private void editControl1_UpdateContextToolTip(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.UpdateTooltipEventArgs e)
   if( e.Text == string.Empty )
       Point pointVirtual = editControl1.PointToVirtualPosition( new Point( e.X, e.Y ) );
       if( pointVirtual.Y > 0 )
           //Get the current line
           ILexemLine line = editControl1.GetLine( pointVirtual.Y );
           if(line != null)
               //Get tokens from the current line
               ILexem lexem = line.FindLexemByColumn( pointVirtual.X );
               if( lexem != null )
                   IConfigLexem configLexem = lexem.Config as IConfigLexem;
                   e.Text = "This is of type " + configLexem.Format.Name + " : " + lexem.Text;



Private Sub editControl1_UpdateContextToolTip(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.UpdateTooltipEventArgs) Handles editControl1.UpdateContextToolTip
    If e.Text = String.Empty Then
       Dim pointVirtual As Point = editControl1.PointToVirtualPosition(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
       If pointVirtual.Y > 0 Then
          ''Get the current line
          Dim line As ILexemLine = editControl1.GetLine(pointVirtual.Y)
          If Not (line Is Nothing) Then
             ''Get tokens from the current line
             Dim lexem As ILexem = line.FindLexemByColumn(pointVirtual.X)
             If Not (lexem Is Nothing) Then
                Dim configLexem As IConfigLexem = lexem.Config
                e.Text = "This is of type " + configLexem.Format.Name + " : " + lexem.Text
             End If
          End If
       End If
    End If
End Sub


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