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How to preserve the entire PdfLightTable in one page?

1 min read

You can draw the PdfLightTable on a temporary page and get the height of the table. By using the table height, you can start a table on a new page when there is no more space on the first page. Refer to the following code example to draw the table:


//Draw the Table in a temp page to find the Table height.
PdfDocument tempDoc = new PdfDocument();
//Add the page in a temporary document.
PdfPage tempPage = tempDoc.Pages.Add();
//Draw the table in a temporary page.
PdfLayoutResult result = tblPDF.Draw(tempPage, new PointF(), format);
//Get the height of the table and check for the condition if greater than room size say, 100.
if (result.Bounds.Height > 100)
//For table size greater than the room size(100), draw the table on the next page.
page = document.Pages.Add();
//Draw the table.
tblPDF.Draw(page, new PointF(), format);

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