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How to manipulate or iterate PivotGrid cells in server-side?

1 min read

This KB illustrates that how to iterate cells at PivotGrid server-side.


You can manipulate or iterate PivotGrid cells in server-side by using the following code examples.


public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeGrid(string action, string gridLayout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject)
            //Other codes here.
            OlapDataManager dataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);     dataManager.SetCurrentReport(OLAPUTILS.Utils.DeserializeOlapReport(olapReport));
            var InilizeJsonData = new OlapClient().GetJsonData(action, dataManager, pivotGridlayout);
            var PivotGridCell = new PivotCellDescriptor();
            if (dataManager.PivotEngine != null)
                pivotGridCell = dataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns[0].Cells[0];//Here PivotGrid cells can be manipulated/iterated. 
            return InilizeJsonData;           



Public Function InitializeGrid(ByVal action As String, ByVal gridLayout As String, ByVal enablePivotFieldList As Boolean, ByVal customObject As Object) As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
 'Other codes here.
 Dim dataManager As OlapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(connectionString)
 Dim InilizeJsonData = New OlapClient().GetJsonData(action, dataManager, pivotGridlayout)
 Dim PivotGridCell = New PivotCellDescriptor()
 If dataManager.PivotEngine IsNot Nothing Then
 pivotGridCell = dataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns(0).Cells(0) 'Here PivotGrid cells can be manipulated/iterated.
 Return InilizeJsonData
End Function


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