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How to enable Resource and create appointments under it in the SfSchedule?

1 min read

In SfSchedule control, you can easily enable Resource and create appointments under it. Here Resource is used to add additional information about the appointments.

For enabling Resource in SfSchedule

Create a WinRT application and add SfSchedule control to it. Now, add resource type in ScheduleResourceTypeCollection as follows.


<syncfusion:SfSchedule.ScheduleResourceTypeCollection >
<syncfusion:ResourceType TypeName="Doctors">
DisplayName="Dr. Jacob" ResourceName="Jacob"/>
DisplayName="Dr. Darsy" ResourceName="Darsy"/>



In the above code example, only one ResourceType under ScheduleResourceTypeCollection property is added. It is also possible to add more than one resource types. But only one resource type can be viewed in SfSchedule by specifying the corresponding ResourceType name to Resource property of SfSchedule, as follows.


<Grid Background="White"> <syncfusion:SfSchedule ScheduleType="WorkWeek"
Name="schedule"    Resource="Doctors" >

Now add the appointments in the Schedule under the specific resource by using the ResourceCollection property of it, as follows.


DateTime currentdate = DateTime.Now.Date;
ScheduleAppointment app = new ScheduleAppointment()
StartTime = currentdate,
EndTime = currentdate.AddHours(2),
Subject = "Meeting",
Location = "Chennai",
AppointmentBackground = new
app.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName
"Jacob", TypeName = "Doctors" });
ScheduleAppointment app1 = new ScheduleAppointment()
StartTime = currentdate,
EndTime = currentdate.AddHours(3),
Subject = "conference",
Location = "Chennai",
AppointmentBackground = new
app1.ResourceCollection.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName
"Darsy", TypeName = "Doctors" });

In the above code, the Resource information of the appointment using ResourceCollection is specified, by adding the Resource information such as ResourceName and the TypeName (ResourceType name) where it exist.

The following screenshot displays the resource with appointment in Day View.

Figure 1: Resource in Day View

The following screenshot displays the resource with appointment in Month View.

Figure 2: Resource in Month View

The following screenshot displays the resource with appointment in TimeLine View.

Figure 3: Resource in TimeLine View

The following screenshot displays the resource with appointment in Week View.

Figure 4: Resource in Week View

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