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How to identify the content changes in WinRT SfRichTextBoxAdv ?

1 min read

Using the ContentChanged event of SfRichTextBoxAdv control you can identify if any changes done to the content of SfRichTextBoxAdv document. This event will be triggered each time if any edit operations performed in SfRichTextBoxAdv such as insert, delete, cut, copy, paste and formatting the contents.

The following sample code demonstrates how to hook the ContentChanged event of SfRichTextBoxAdv control.


<richtextbox:SfRichTextBoxAdv x:Name="richTextBoxAdv" xmlns:richtextbox="using:Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.RichTextBoxAdv" ContentChanged="richTextBoxAdv_ContentChanged"/>


The following sample code snippet denotes the definition of ContentChanged event.


void richTextBoxAdv_ContentChanged(object obj, ContentChangedEventArgs args)
    //To do: Here you can code necessary functionalities when the content is changed


Private Sub richTextBoxAdv_ContentChanged(obj As Object, args As ContentChangedEventArgs)
    'To do: Here you can code necessary functionalities when the content is changed
End Sub



I hope you enjoyed learning about how to identify the content changes in WinRT SfRichTextBoxAdv.

You can refer to our WinRT SfRichTextBox page to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations , and how to quickly get started for configuration specifications. You can also explore our example to understand how to create and manipulate data.

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