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How to expand OLAP Grid and OLAP Chart in OLAP Client upto "n" level initially?

1 min read

You can expand OLAP Grid and OLAP Chart in OLAP Client up to the n level while loading, by using the following code example.


    OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
    olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
    DimensionElement dimensionElement = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Product" };
    dimensionElement.AddLevel("Product Categories", "Category");
    dimensionElement = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Date" };
    dimensionElement.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
    dimensionElement.DrillState = DrillState.ExpandToLevel;
    dimensionElement.DrillUpDownLevel = "Month";
    return olapReport;


                Dim olapReport As OlapReport = New OlapReport()
                olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works"
                Dim dimensionElement As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement() With {.Name = "Product"}
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Product Categories", "Category")
                Dim TempDimensionElement As DimensionElement = New DimensionElement() With {.Name = "Date"}
                dimensionElement = New DimensionElement() With {.Name
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year")
                dimensionElement.DrillState = DrillState.ExpandToLevel
                dimensionElement.DrillUpDownLevel = "Month"
                Return olapReport

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