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How to get the mask edit text box value without having mask symbols?

2 mins read

By default, the mask edit text box contains the value with mask symbols. Sometimes, you have to get the mask edit textbox value without mask symbols from your Mask Edit control. To achieve this, refer to the following section.


To get the mask edit textbox value without mask symbols, you can use the get_StrippedValue() method of ejmaskedit control. This method returns the value of mask edit text box without the mask symbols. Returning value is the pure value of the mask edit text box after removing all the symbols in your Mask Edit control. Refer to the following code example.


//creating object for mask edit control
var obj= $("#maskedit").data("ejMaskEdit");
//calling the method of mask edit control using created object


You can find the sample under the following location:

While running this sample, the following output is rendered.


Figure 1: Mask edit textbox value without having mask symbols

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