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How to add checkbox and manipulate checked cells in OLAP Grid?

1 min read

You can add checkbox for row headers except column headers and summary by using the following code in RowBound event.


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.OlapGrid1.RowBound += new EventHandler<RowBoundEventArgs>(OlapGrid1_RowBound);
        //RowBound event to add the checkbox control for each record except the headers and summary row.        
        void OlapGrid1_RowBound(object sender, RowBoundEventArgs e)
            e.GridRow.Cells.AddAt(0, new TableCell());
            var pivotCell = e.GridRow.Cells[1] as PivotGridCell;
            if (pivotCell.CellDescriptor.CellType.In(PivotCellDescriptorType.RowHeader))
                e.GridRow.Cells[0].Controls.Add(new CheckBox() { ID = "chk" + pivotCell.ID });



Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
                                                AddHandler OlapGrid1.RowBound, AddressOf OlapGrid1_RowBound
End Sub
'RowBound event to add the checkbox control for each record except the headers and summary row.        
                                Private Sub OlapGrid1_RowBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowBoundEventArgs)
                                                e.GridRow.Cells.AddAt(0, New TableCell())
                                                Dim pivotCell = TryCast(e.GridRow.Cells(1), PivotGridCell)
                                                If pivotCell.CellDescriptor.CellType.In(PivotCellDescriptorType.RowHeader) Then
                                                e.GridRow.Cells(0).Controls.Add(New CheckBox() With {.ID = "chk" & pivotCell.ID})
                                                End If
                                End Sub


You can get the rows whose checkbox has been checked by using the following code example.


//To get the entire row whose checkbox is checked. Selected rows contains the entire row which has been with the checkbox checked.            
List<PivotRowDescriptor> selectedRows = new List<PivotRowDescriptor>();
var table = this.OlapGrid1.FindControl("PivotTable") as Table;
foreach (OlapGridRow item in table.Rows)
        if (item.Cells[0].Controls.Count == 0) continue;
        var chk = item.Cells[0].Controls[0] as CheckBox;
        if (chk.Checked)



'To get the entire row whose checkbox is checked. Selected rows contains the entire row which has been with the checkbox checked.            
Dim selectedRows As List(Of PivotRowDescriptor) = New List(Of PivotRowDescriptor)()
Dim table = TryCast(Me.OlapGrid1.FindControl("PivotTable"), Table)
For Each item As OlapGridRow In table.Rows
                                If item.Cells(0).Controls.Count = 0 Then
                                Continue For
                                End If
                                Dim chk = TryCast(item.Cells(0).Controls(0), CheckBox)
                                If chk.Checked Then
                                End If
Next item


All the selected rows are displayed within the selectedRows array, through which you can get cell values of the selected rows.



//To get the column cells, selectedCells contains all column cells. 
  var selectedCells = new List<PivotCellDescriptor>();            
  for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.Count; i++)
       foreach (PivotCellDescriptor cell in selectedRows[i].Cells)
           if (cell.CellType == PivotCellDescriptorType.Value && cell.CellData.ColumnInfo.Count != 0)



'To get the column cells, selectedCells contains all column cells.
  Dim selectedCells = New List(Of PivotCellDescriptor)()
  For i As Integer = 0 To selectedRows.Count - 1
                   For Each cell As PivotCellDescriptor In selectedRows(i).Cells
                                   If cell.CellType Is PivotCellDescriptorType.Value AndAlso cell.CellData.ColumnInfo.Count <> 0 Then
                                   End If
                   Next cell
  Next i


In the above code example, selectedCells contains all the cell values of the checked rows and using these values you can do any processing based on the users requirement.

C:\Users\Giftline\Desktop\img.jpg Note:This scenario will work only when we set IsAsyncRequestData="false" in OlapGrid.

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