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How to customize the order of the legend in Chart?

1 min read


The chart legend order can be customized through the FilterItems event of the legend. You can add the legend items to the ChartLegendItemsCollection class and dispaly the legend items in reversed order


this.chartControl1.Legend.FilterItems +=new LegendFilterItemsEventHandler(Legend_FilterItems);

 private void Legend_FilterItems(object sender, ChartLegendFilterItemsEventArgs e)


    //This creates an new instance of the ChartLegendItemCollection

    ChartLegendItemsCollection item = new ChartLegendItemsCollection();

     for(int i=e.Items.Count - 1;i>=0;i--)


    e.Items =item;




Me.chartControl1.Legend.FilterItems +=New LegendFilterItemsEventHandler(Legend_FilterItems)

  Private Sub Legend_FilterItems(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ChartLegendFilterItemsEventArgs)

    'This creates an new instance of the ChartLegendItemCollection

    Dim item As ChartLegendItemsCollection = New ChartLegendItemsCollection()

        Dim i As Integer

        For i = e.Items.Count - 1 To 0 Step i - 1



    e.Items =item

End Sub

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