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How to set ASP.NET WebForms Chart axes on the opposed side?

1 min read

Essential Chart supports positioning chart axis in its usual position or opposed position. To display chart axis in opposed position, you can enable the OpposedPosition property of the specified axis. All horizontal and vertical axes including the primary X axis and primary Y axis can be placed on the opposite side of their usual position. This is illustrated in the following code example.


<ej:Chart ID="container" runat="server">
        <PrimaryXAxis OpposedPosition="true"></PrimaryXAxis>
        <PrimaryYAxis OpposedPosition="true"></PrimaryYAxis>
        . . . . . .
        . . . . . .

The following screenshot displays the Chart with primary X axis and primary Y axis in the opposed position.

The Chart with primary X axis and primary Y axis in the opposed position.

Figure 1: Chart with axes in opposite position

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