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How to print desired text in the header and footer for a document in WinForms SyntaxEditor (EditControl)?

1 min read

Printing document name and page number

The PageHeaderAndFooterVisible is a bool property that can be used to show or hide the headers and footers while printing the document in the EditControl. The default text in the header is the full path and the name of the file. The default text in the footer is the page number. Please refer the below code snippets for more details.


this.editControl1.PrintHeaderAndFooterVisible = true;
private void editControl1_PrintHeader(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.PrintHeadlineEventArgs e)
    e.Text = "This is the header";
private void editControl1_PrintFooter(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.PrintHeadlineEventArgs e)
    e.Text = "This is the footer";



Me.editControl1.PrintHeaderAndFooterVisible = True
Private Sub editControl1_PrintHeader(sender As Object, e As
Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.PrintHeadlineEventArgs) Handles editControl1.PrintHeader
    e.Text = "This is the header"
End Sub
Private Sub editControl1_PrintFooter(sender As Object, e As
Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Edit.PrintHeadlineEventArgs) Handles editControl1.PrintFooter
    e.Text = "This is the footer"
End Sub


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