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How to add custom CSS in OLAP Client?

1 min read

You can add custom CSS in OLAP Client using the following code example. To enable CustomCss in OLAP Client, set the Autoformat property as None" and set the CssClass property to a custom class name.


<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <link href="Styles/FullBlue.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <cc1:OlapClient ID="OlapClient1" runat="server" Height="600px" Width="800px" Autoformat="None" CssClass="FullBlue" />

Refer to the FullBlue.css file as follows.


.FullBlue .TabOuterBorder
    border: 1px solid blue;
.FullBlue .outerpanel
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                background: LightSteelBlue;
                border: solid 1px blue;
.FullBlue .cubepanel
                float: left;
                width: 24%;
                background: LightSteelBlue;
                margin-left: 7px;
                margin-bottom: 2px;
                border:solid 1px blue;
.FullBlue .controlspanel
    margin-bottom: 4px;
.FullBlue .charttypepopup a, .FullBlue .legendtypepopup a, .FullBlue .toolspanel a, .FullBlue .toolspanel span
    background-image: url("../styles/images/ToolBoxImages/ToolBarImage.png");
                background-repeat: no-repeat;
                margin: 4px;
                cursor: default;
                display: inline-block;
                height: 18px; 
                width: 18px;
.FullBlue .normallayoutSelected, .FullBlue .excellayoutSelected, .FullBlue .nosumlayoutSelected, .FullBlue .ThreeDSelected, .FullBlue .legendSelected { background-image: url("../styles/images/ToolBoxImages/ToolsSelected.png")!important; }
.FullBlue .normallayoutSelected{background-position:0 -78px !important;}
.FullBlue .excellayoutSelected{background-position:0 -52px !important;}
.FullBlue .nosumlayoutSelected{background-position:0 -103px !important;}
.FullBlue .ThreeDSelected{background-position:0 0 !important;}
.FullBlue .legendSelected{background-position:0 -26px !important;}
.FullBlue .Seperator
    background: white none !important;
    height:25px !important;
    width:1px !important;
    margin:0px !important;
    float: left;
.FullBlue .connectionImg { background-position: center -1065px; }
.FullBlue .newReportImg { background-position: center -572px; }
.FullBlue .loadReportImg { background-position: center -545px; }
.FullBlue .addReportImg { background-position: center 0; }
.FullBlue .pagerImg { background-position: center -389px; }
.FullBlue .pagerOptionImg { background-position: center -364px; }
.FullBlue .removeReportImg { background-position: center -728px; }
.FullBlue .renameReportImg { background-position: center -754px; }
.FullBlue .saveImg { background-position: center -779px; }
.FullBlue .charttypeImg { background-position: center -78px; }
.FullBlue .ThreeDImg { background-position: center -235px; }
.FullBlue .legendImg { background-position: center -832px; }
.FullBlue .legendTypesImg { background-position: center -806px; }
.FullBlue .tooltipImg { background-position: center -1013px; }
.FullBlue .exporttoexcelImg { background-position: center -287px; }
.FullBlue .exporttoPdfImg { background-position: center -1340px; }
.FullBlue .exporttowordImg { background-position: center -337px; }
.FullBlue .headercelltooltipImg { background-position: center -1090px; }
.FullBlue .executeImg { background-position: center -1115px; }
.FullBlue .hyperlinkcellImg { background-position: center -442px; }
.FullBlue .normallayoutImg { background-position: center -650px; }
.FullBlue .excellikelayoutImg { background-position: center -258px; }
.FullBlue .nosummarieslayoutImg { background-position: center -594px; }
.FullBlue .columnImg { background-position: center -128px; } 
.FullBlue .stackingcolumnImg { background-position: center -936px; }
.FullBlue .areaImg { background-position: center -25px; }
.FullBlue .splineareaImg { background-position: center -858px; }
.FullBlue .stepareaImg { background-position: center -962px; }
.FullBlue .stackingareaImg { background-position: center -909px; }
.FullBlue .lineImg { background-position: center -495px; }
.FullBlue .splineImg { background-position: center -884px; }
.FullBlue .steplineImg { background-position: center -987px; }
.FullBlue .seriestypeImg { background-position: center -806px; }
.FullBlue .linetypeImg { background-position: center -522px; }
.FullBlue .rectangleImg { background-position: center -700px; }
.FullBlue .circleImg { background-position: center -103px; }
.FullBlue .diamondImg { background-position: center -206px; }
.FullBlue .hexagonImg { background-position: center -416px; }
.FullBlue .pentagonImg { background-position: center -676px; }
.FullBlue .crossImg { background-position: center -182px; }
.FullBlue .triangleImg { background-position: center -1041px; }
.FullBlue .invertedtriangleImg { background-position: center -469px; }
.FullBlue .noneImg { background-position: center -622px; }
.FullBlue .stackingcolumn100Img { background-position: center -1140px; }
.FullBlue .barImg { background-position: center -1165px; }
.FullBlue .stackingbarImg { background-position: center -1190px; }
.FullBlue .stackingbar100Img { background-position: center -1215px; }
.FullBlue .disabled 
    background-color: Transparent !important;
    border: none !important;
    margin:4px !important;
.FullBlue .connectionImg:hover, .FullBlue .newReportImg:hover, .FullBlue .loadReportImg:hover, .FullBlue .addReportImg:hover, .FullBlue .removeReportImg:hover, .FullBlue .renameReportImg:hover, .FullBlue .saveImg:hover, .FullBlue .charttypeImg:hover, .FullBlue .ThreeDImg:hover, .FullBlue .legendImg:hover, .FullBlue .legendTypesImg:hover, .FullBlue .tooltipImg:hover, .FullBlue .exporttoexcelImg:hover, .FullBlue .exporttowordImg:hover,.FullBlue .exporttoPdfImg:hover, .FullBlue .headercelltooltipImg:hover, .FullBlue .hyperlinkcellImg:hover, .FullBlue .normallayoutImg:hover, .FullBlue .excellikelayoutImg:hover, .FullBlue .nosummarieslayoutImg:hover, .FullBlue .executeImg:hover, .FullBlue .pagerImg:hover, .FullBlue .pagerOptionImg:hover
                margin: 3px;
                background-color: #FEBA40;
                border: 1px solid #D99E36;
.FullBlue .clientheader
                vertical-align: top;
                margin: auto 1px;
.FullBlue .headertext
    margin: 0 auto auto 5px;
                color: Black;
                font: 12px/28px Verdana;
.FullBlue .cubeselector
    margin: 3px auto auto 3px;
                height: 28px;
                width: 100%;
.FullBlue .cubedimensionbrowser
                margin: 0px 1px;
.FullBlue .axiselementbuilderpanel{overflow:auto;}
.FullBlue .axiselementbuilder
                background-color: White;
                height: 105px;
                overflow: auto;
                margin-left: 1px;
                margin-right: 1px;
                border:solid 1px blue;
.FullBlue .axiselementbuilderpanel table
.FullBlue .axiselementbuilderpanel td
    width: 31%;
    padding: 0 0 0 7px;
.FullBlue .axiselementbuilderinnerpanel
                background-color: Transparent;
                border:solid 1px blue;
.FullBlue .ReportList
                width: 150px;
                color: Black;
.FullBlue .toolspanel
                background-color: Transparent;
                border-bottom:1px solid blue;
                height: 27px;
                margin:0 0 7px;
                padding-top: 2px;
                width: 100%;
.FullBlue .controlstab
                float: none;
                clear: both;
                height: 60%;
                margin:7px 0 0 7px;
                background-color: Transparent;
.FullBlue .OlapCubeSelector
                margin-top: 2px;
                width: 100%;
                margin-left: -3px;
                color: Black;
.FullBlue .OlapCubeDimensionBrowser
                margin-top: 2px;
                font: 11px Verdana;
                width: 100%;
                position: relative;
                overflow: auto;
                vertical-align: top;
                background-color: White;
.FullBlue .OlapCubeDimensionBrowser span, .MemberEditorMetaTree span
                padding-left: 4px;
.FullBlue .SplitButton, .SplitButton
    background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/splitbuttonFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0 0;
.FullBlue .SplitRightHover
    background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/splitbuttonFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0 -58px;
.FullBlue .SplitLeftHover
    background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/splitbuttonFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0 -29px;
.FullBlue .SplitButton .Splitleft, .SplitButton .Splitleft
    padding-left: 5px;
                font:11px/24px Verdana;
                white-space: nowrap;
.FullBlue .SplitButton .SplitDrop
.FullBlue .SplitButton .SplitRight
    font: bolder .9em/20px Verdana;
                width: 100%;
                height: 20px;
                border:1px solid #78ADDD;
                height: 250px;
                width: 240px;
                font: 10pt Verdana;
                margin:2px 2px 0;
                cursor: url("../styles/images/DragDropImages/dragaccept.cur"),move !important;
.Deny, .Allow
                cursor: url("../styles/images/DragDropImages/dragdeny.cur"),no-drop !important;
.CheckBtn, .UncheckBtn
    background: url("../styles/images/ControlImages/CheckOptions.png") no-repeat;
.UncheckBtn { background-position: 0 -26px; }
.FullBlue .reportingPanel { float: left; }
.FullBlue .saveBtnContainer
                float: left;
.FullBlue .clientControlbtnContainer
                float: left;
.FullBlue .charttypepopup, .FullBlue .legendtypepopup
                border: Solid 1px blue;
                border-width: 1px;
.FullBlue .charttypepopup a, .FullBlue .legendtypepopup a
.FullBlue .charttypepopup a:hover, .FullBlue .legendtypepopup a:hover
    background-color: #FEBA40;
                border: 1px solid #D99E36;
.FullBlue .exportingchartpopup
                background-color: #DDE7F5;
                border-width: 1px;
                width: 100px;
                height: 60px;
.FullBlue .Tab{}
.FullBlue .Tab .tabRootTable .tabRootPanel
.FullBlue .Tab .tabRoot
.FullBlue .Tab .tabRootPanel div[class*="tabItem"]
                padding: 0 5px 0 3px;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabRootPanel div table
.FullBlue .Tab .tabItemDisabled
.FullBlue .Tab .tabItemDef, .FullBlue .Tab .tabItemDisabled
                background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/tabFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0px 0px;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabItemHover
                background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/tabFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0px -26px;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabItemActive, .FullBlue .Tab .tabItemPushed
                background:url("../styles/images/FullBlue/tabFullBlue.png") no-repeat 0px -51px;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabTextCell
                padding:0 5px;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabTextCont
    font: 11px Verdana;
.FullBlue .Tab .tabImgCont
.FullBlue .Tab .tabImgCloseCell
                padding: 1px 0 0 3px;
.FullBlue .ViewPage
    border: solid 1px blue;
    margin: 0 0 5px 0;
    width: 60px;
    font: 12px/24px Verdana;
    margin: 2px;
    background-position:0 -29px;
/* Window top path css setting */
.Wnd{ font: 12px Verdana; color: Black; }
.Wnd .WndHeaderCont
                border: solid 1px Blue;
                height: 27px;
.Wnd .WndHeader
                vertical-align: middle;
.Wnd .IconImg{display:none;}
.Wnd .WndHeader .TitleText
                font: 13px/27px Verdana;
                color: Black;
                margin: 2px;
                padding:0 7px;
.Wnd .WndHeader div{height : 27px;}
.Wnd .WndContentCont
    border: solid 1px Blue;
    border-top: none;
.Wnd .BorderTopRight{width:7px;}
.Wnd .WndStatusCont_WithoutStatus { display:none; }
.Wnd .DlgContent{
    padding: 9px 0 7px;
    line-height: 21px;
.Wnd .DlgContent span{
    margin-left: 9px;
.Wnd .DlgContent input[type=text]{
    margin: 0 6px 0 0;
    width: 180px;
    font: 12px Verdana;
.Wnd .DlgContent .BtnSplitUp, .Wnd .DlgContent .BtnSplitDown{
    background: LightSteelBlue none !important;
.Wnd .DlgContent div>table{
    border: solid 1px Blue;
    line-height: 50px;
    z-index: 2100 !important;
    background-color: white; 
    height: 50px; 
    border: solid 1px blue;
    height: 50px !important;
    background-position: 13% 50% !important;
.clientpopup span
    font: 11px/50px verdana;
    padding-left: 35px;
.FullBlue .clientExecuteContainer
/* Pager */
.FullBlue .ClientPager
    background: url("../styles/images/FullBlue/header.png")repeat;
                background-color: Transparent;
.FullBlue .ClientPager table
.FullBlue .ClientPager td
    border: 1px solid blue;
    border-width: 1px 0 0 1px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager td:first-child
    border-left: none;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MovePrev, .ClientPager .MoveNext, .ClientPager .MovePrevDisabled, .ClientPager .MoveNextDisabled
    padding: 2px 6px;
    background-image: url("../styles/images/ControlImages/Pager.png");
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    margin: 0 4px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MovePrev
    background-position: 0 -22px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MoveNext
    background-position: 0 0;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MovePrevDisabled
    background-position: 0 -65px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MoveNextDisabled
    background-position: 0 -43px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .PageBox
.FullBlue .ClientPager .Text
    margin:0 5px;
.FullBlue .ClientPager .MoveNext:hover, .FullBlue .ClientPager .MovePrev:hover
                border: 1px solid #D99E36;
                background-color: #FEBA40;
    background:url('../styles/images/ControlImages/vertgrip.png') no-repeat scroll 2px center transparent;
    z-index: 999;
    ZOOM: 1;
    padding-left: 24px;
    background:url("../styles/images/TreeIcons/Chart.png") no-repeat 5px center;
.MeasureHover {background-color:#A7CDF0;}
    margin: 9px 10px 8px 0;
    cursor:pointer !important;
.MeasureHover .MeasureClose
    background:url("../styles/images/ControlImages/Redclose.png")no-repeat center;

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