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How to overcome the error with App_Licenses.dll on hosting web application to server?

1 min read


The following Exception rises when hosting web site to server as follows “Could not load file or assembly 'App_Licenses, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The parameter is incorrect.


The error with assembly arises on hosting to server when the .NET version mismatches with assembly build version. The compiler cannot link the assembly, because it is created using a .NET framework version other than the one that is installed in the system.



You can add the Syncfusion DLLs to host the application with the controls in server and controls work fine on hosting it to servers. Refer to the following KB for deploying your application to server configuration for your website:

Further to overcome the error with App_Licenses.dll, follow the steps as follows,

  • Change the .Net framework version in Application pool to corresponding version used in your application.
  • Also clear the temporary .NET framework files from your system. Open the Run application and search for %temp. In the explorer window select and clear the .NET framework files and temporary ASP.NET files.
  • Finally rebuild your application.

For further references you can check the following stack overflow forum link as follows,

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