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Where can I find the EJ DLLs after installation?

2 mins read


After installation, locate the Syncfusion assemblies in your drive. To render ASP.NET controls, add references for Syncfusion assemblies in your application.


You can download and install the Essential Studio for ASP.Net, then the corresponding assemblies are copied to your installed location. You can get the DLLs from the precompiledassemblies folder under the corresponding framework versions.

Refer to the following location to get the Syncfusion.EJ.dll for framework 4.0 navigate.

<Installed Location>\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\precompiledassemblies\\4.0              

You can find the DLLs for 3.5, 4.5 and 4.5.1 in the corresponding framework folders. Refer to the EJ DLLs from the above location in your web application to use the Syncfusion ASP.NET controls.

Refer to the following links for getting started with ASP.NET controls that provides guidelines on referring assemblies along with corresponding Script and CSS files.


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