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How to customize the OLAPGrid cells?

1 min read

You can hide columns and rows in OlapGrid using cells RemoveAt() method. You can refer to the following code examples.


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.OlapGrid1.RowBound += new eventHandler<RowBoundEventArgs>(OlapGrid1_RowBound);
void OlapGrid1_RowBound(object sender, RowBoundEventArgs e)
    if (e.GridRow.Cells.Count > 2)
    if (((e.GridRow as TableRow).Parent as Table).Rows.Count == this.OlapGrid1.OlapDataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns[0].Cells.Count)
        ((e.GridRow as TableRow).Parent as Table).Rows.RemoveAt(3);



Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
                                AddHandler OlapGrid1.RowBound, AddressOf OlapGrid1_RowBound
End Sub
Private Sub OlapGrid1_RowBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowBoundEventArgs)
                If e.GridRow.Cells.Count > 2 Then
                End If
                If (TryCast((TryCast(e.GridRow, TableRow)).Parent, Table)).Rows.Count = Me.OlapGrid1.OlapDataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns(0).Cells.Count Then
                                (TryCast((TryCast(e.GridRow, TableRow)).Parent, Table)).Rows.RemoveAt(3)
                End If
End Sub


Add/Insert Columns/Rows

You can add/insert columns/rows using the RowBound event. You can refer to the following code examples.


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.OlapGrid1.RowBound += new eventHandler<RowBoundEventArgs>(OlapGrid1_RowBound);
void OlapGrid1_RowBound(object sender, RowBoundEventArgs e)
    if (e.GridRow.Cells.Count > 5)
        e.GridRow.Cells.AddAt(5, new TableCell() { Text = "NewValue", Width = Unit.Parse("20px") });
    if (((e.GridRow as TableRow).Parent as Table).Rows.Count == this.OlapGrid1.OlapDataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns[0].Cells.Count)
        ((e.GridRow as TableRow).Parent as Table).Rows.AddAt(2, new TableRow() { Height = Unit.Parse("20px"), Width = Unit.Parse("50px") });



Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
                                AddHandler OlapGrid1.RowBound, AddressOf OlapGrid1_RowBound
End Sub
Private Sub OlapGrid1_RowBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowBoundEventArgs)
                If e.GridRow.Cells.Count > 5 Then
                                e.GridRow.Cells.AddAt(5, New TableCell() With {.Text = "NewValue", .Width = Unit.Parse("20px")})
                End If
                If (TryCast((TryCast(e.GridRow, TableRow)).Parent, Table)).Rows.Count = Me.OlapGrid1.OlapDataManager.PivotEngine.TableColumns(0).Cells.Count Then
                                (TryCast((TryCast(e.GridRow, TableRow)).Parent, Table)).Rows.AddAt(2, New TableRow() With {.Height = Unit.Parse("20px"), .Width = Unit.Parse("50px")})
                End If
End Sub


Changing values in an existing cell

You can update cell values using the cells Text property via RowBound event. You can refer to the following code examples.


void OlapGrid1_RowBound(object sender, RowBoundEventArgs e)
        e.GridRow.Cells[0].Text  = "SomeText";



Private Sub OlapGrid1_RowBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowBoundEventArgs)
                If e.GridRow.Cells.Count>1 Then
                                e.GridRow.Cells(0).Text = "SomeText"
                End If
End Sub


Adding hyperlinks as well as passing information to cells

You can set the hyperlink for value cells, row header and column header as well as pass information via its PivotCellDescriptior property. You can refer to the following code examples.


this.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkValueCell = true;
this.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkRowHeader = true;
this.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkColumnHeader = true;
this.OlapGrid1.HyperlinkCellClick += new Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Grid.Olap.OlapGrid.RaiseHyperlinkCellClick(OlapGrid1_HyperlinkCellClick);
void OlapGrid1_HyperlinkCellClick(object sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Grid.Olap.HyperlinkCellClickArg e)
    e.PivotCellDescriptor.CellValue = "NewValueOnClick";



Me.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkValueCell = True
Me.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkRowHeader = True
Me.OlapGrid1.EnableHyperLinkColumnHeader = True
AddHandler OlapGrid1.HyperlinkCellClick, AddressOf OlapGrid1_HyperlinkCellClick
void OlapGrid1_HyperlinkCellClick(Object sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Grid.Olap.HyperlinkCellClickArg e)
                e.PivotCellDescriptor.CellValue = "NewValueOnClick"



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