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How to display measure value in different formats?

1 min read

You can display the single measure value in different formats using RowBound event.


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.OlapGrid1.RowBound += new eventHandler<RowBoundEventArgs>(OlapGrid1_RowBound);
void OlapGrid1_RowBound(object sender, RowBoundEventArgs e)
    //To Displayt the particular products Amount Measure with different products.
    double amount = 0, result;
    if (double.TryParse((e.GridRow.Cells[0] as TableCell).Text, out result))
       amount = result;
       if (e.FrozenRow != null)
        PivotCellDescriptor cellDesc = (e.GridRow.Cells[0] as PivotGridCell).CellDescriptor;
       for (int i = 0; i < cellDesc.CellData.Rows.Count; i++)
            //Display the Amount values with format {0:0.0000} for Bike Product
            if (cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo[i].UniqueName == "Product" && cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo[i].Name == "Bike" && cellDesc.CellData.Measure == "Amount")
                (e.GridRow.Cells[0] as TableCell).Text = String.Format("{0:0.0000}", amount);
            //Display the Amount values with format {0:0.0000} for Car Product  
            if (cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo[i].UniqueName == "Product" && cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo[i].Name == "Car" && cellDesc.CellData.Measure == "Amount")
                (e.GridRow.Cells[0] as TableCell).Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", amount);


Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
                AddHandler OlapGrid1.RowBound, AddressOf OlapGrid1_RowBound
End Sub
Private Sub OlapGrid1_RowBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RowBoundEventArgs)
                'To Displayt the particular products Amount Measure with different products.
                Dim amount As Double = 0, result As Double
                If Double.TryParse((TryCast(e.GridRow.Cells(0), TableCell)).Text, result) Then
                   amount = result
                End If
                   If e.FrozenRow IsNot Nothing Then
                                Dim cellDesc As PivotCellDescriptor = (TryCast(e.GridRow.Cells(0), PivotGridCell)).CellDescriptor
                   For i As Integer = 0 To cellDesc.CellData.Rows.Count - 1
                                                'Display the Amount values with format {0:0.0000} for Bike Product
                                                If cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo(i).UniqueName = "Product" AndAlso cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo(i).Name = "Bike" AndAlso cellDesc.CellData.Measure = "Amount" Then
                                                                (TryCast(e.GridRow.Cells(0), TableCell)).Text = String.Format("{0:0.0000}", amount)
                                                End If
                                                'Display the Amount values with format {0:0.0000} for Car Product  
                                                If cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo(i).UniqueName = "Product" AndAlso cellDesc.CellData.RowInfo(i).Name = "Car" AndAlso cellDesc.CellData.Measure = "Amount" Then
                                                                (TryCast(e.GridRow.Cells(0), TableCell)).Text = String.Format("{0:0.0}", amount)
                                                End If
                   Next i
                   End If
End Sub

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