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How to change text in axis element builder in ASP.NET WebForms?

1 min read

In order to change the label text in AxisElementBuilder from "Series" and "Categorical" to "Row" and "Column", you can use the following code example at the sample level.


this.OlapClient1.OlapClientLayout.CategorialAxisHeaderText.Text = "Column";
this.OlapClient1.OlapClientLayout.SeriesAxisHeaderText.Text = "Row";


Me.OlapClient1.OlapClientLayout.CategorialAxisHeaderText.Text = "Column"Me.OlapClient1.OlapClientLayout.SeriesAxisHeaderText.Text = "Row"

As an alternate solution, you can change the label text through the script as well. Refer to the following code example.


<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

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