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How to databind a WinForms SyntaxEditor (EditControl) to a datasource?

1 min read

Data binding

Please refer to the code sample given below which shows how an EditControl can be databound to a table in a DataSet.


//create a new DataSet
this.dataset = new DataSet("MyDataSet");                                   
//create a new DataTable
this.table = new DataTable("MyDataTable"); 
//create a new DataColumn and add it to the DataTable
this.datacolumn = new DataColumn("Code",System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
//create a new DataRow, and assign it to the specific column
//assign a string value ‘program’ to that DataRow-DataColumn field
this.datarow = this.table.NewRow();
this.datarow[this.datacolumn] = program; 
// Add this DataRow to the DataTable
//Add this DataTable to the DataSet
// Databinding EditControl.Text to the DataColumn "Code" // where "Code" contains the program to be displayed in the EditControl 
this.editControl1.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.dataset.Tables[0], "Code");



'create a new DataSet
Me.dataset = New DataSet("MyDataSet")
'create a new DataTable
Me.table = New DataTable("MyDataTable")
'create a new DataColumn and add it to the DataTable
Me.datacolumn = New DataColumn("Code",System.Type.GetType("System.String"))   
'create a new DataRow, and assign it to the specific column
'assign a string value ‘program’ to that DataRow-DataColumn field
Me.datarow = Me.table.NewRow()
Me.datarow(Me.datacolumn) = program
' Add this DataRow to the DataTable
'Add this DataTable to the DataSet
' Databinding EditControl.Text to the DataColumn "Code" ' where "Code" contains the program to be displayed in the EditControl
Me.editControl1.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.dataset.Tables(0), "Code")


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