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How to solve the Row alignment behavior which changes anonymously

1 min read

Row alignment behavior can be solved by handling codes considering ShowCalculationsAsColumns, PivotCalculations. The following code explains the same.


this.pivotGridControl1.InternalGrid.PrepareRenderCell += (s, eventArgs) =>


if (eventArgs.Cell.RowIndex > (pivotGridControl1.PivotColumns.Count - (this.pivotGridControl1.ShowCalculationsAsColumns ? 0: 1) - (this.pivotGridControl1.PivotCalculations.Count == 1 ? 1:0) + (!this.pivotGridControl1.ShowCalculationsAsColumns && this.pivotGridControl1.PivotCalculations.Count==1? 1:0 ) ))


//For Row headers and value cells

eventArgs.Style.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;


else if (eventArgs.Style.CellType.Equals("ExpanderCell"))


//For Column Headers that has only expander cells

(eventArgs.Style as GridStyleInfo).HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;




//For Column Headers that has static cells

eventArgs.Style.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right;





C:\Users\labuser\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2014-06-10 18.29.28.png

Figure: Pivot Grid shows customized row alignment



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