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How to enable Hyperlink for specific Row or Column or Cells in PivotGrid Silverlight

1 min read

It is possible to create a hyperlink for very specific row and column by setting the isHyperlinkCell property to true or false based on the customized conditions.The below code snippet explains the use of the same by setting the hyperlink to first column alone.


void InternalGrid_PrepareRenderCell(object sender, GridPrepareRenderCellEventArgs e)


            if (e.Cell.ColumnIndex != 0 && e.Cell.ColumnIndex < pivotGridControl1.PivotRows.Count)


                pivotGridControl1.RowHeaderCellStyle.IsHyperlinkCell = false;


            else if (e.Cell.ColumnIndex == 0)


                pivotGridControl1.RowHeaderCellStyle.IsHyperlinkCell = true;




C:\Users\labuser\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2014-05-26 12.21.17.png

Figure: Normal Pivot Grid


C:\Users\labuser\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2014-05-26 12.20.31.png

Figure: Pivot Grid with customized Hyperlink



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