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How to collapse columns or row

1 min read

We can collapse column/row by passing unique text of the expander header. Hence we should pass all the column headers to collapse entire column headers.


List<string> columnHeaders = new List<string> { "Australia", "Canada", "France" }; ////List of string header which are belongs to Country (Which is added in pivot columns) group.

pivotGridControl1.CollapseColumn(columnHeaders); //// Collapse the given headers at pivot grid control.

pivotGridControl1.CollapseColumn("Australia");////Collapses only the Australia which is belongs to Country ((Which is added in pivot columns) group.

List<string> rowHeaders = new List<string> { "Bike", "Car" }; ////List of string header which are belongs to Product (Which is added in pivot rows) group.

pivotGridControl1.CollapseRow(rowHeaders);////Collapses the both Bike and Car.

pivotGridControl1.CollapseRow("Bike");////Collapses only the Bike which is belongs to Product ((Which is added in pivot rows) group.




C:\Users\labuser\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2014-06-11 10.36.40.png

Figure: Pivot Grid shows all columns collapsed











C:\Users\labuser\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2014-06-11 10.36.48.png


Figure: Pivot Grid shows all Columns Expanded




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