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How to merge the adjacent cells if they have the same value

1 min read

As a workaround we can achieve the required behavior by hooking QueryCoveredRange event at sample level. Drawing cost will be increased a little as we are merging these at runtime. The following code explains the same.


this.pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.QueryCoveredRange += new GridQueryCoveredRangeEventHandler(InternalGrid_QueryCoveredRange);
//To Merge cells if CellValue is same
void InternalGrid_QueryCoveredRange(object sender, GridQueryCoveredRangeEventArgs e)
if (e.CellRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex > this.pivotGrid1.PivotRows.Count-1 && e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex > this.pivotGrid1.PivotColumns.Count)
string cellValue = Convert.ToString(this.pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.Model[e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex, e.CellRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex].CellValue);
int count = e.CellRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex + 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellValue) && count < this.pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.Model.ColumnCount)
while (count < this.pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.Model.ColumnCount && cellValue == Convert.ToString(this.pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.Model[e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex, count].CellValue))
e.Range = new CoveredCellInfo(e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex, e.CellRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex, e.CellRowColumnIndex.RowIndex, count);
e.Handled = true;

Figure: Pivot Grid shows merging of cells


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