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How to capture the edited column or row

1 min read

We could able to capture the "Edited" rows and able to save the datasource back to the database in PivotGrid Control. Please refer the below procedure.

Step 1: Enable the APIs “EnableUpdating” and “EnableValueEditing”.


pivotGrid.EnableValueEditing = true;
pivotGrid.EnableUpdating = true;

Step 2: Implement a CustomEditManager class which should implement PivotEditingManager and overrides the method “ChangeValue” which is used to update the newly edited value in datasource.


public class PivotCustomEditManager : PivotEditingManager
private PivotGridControl _pivotGrid;
private bool _changeValueHandled = false;
private int lastRow = 0;
private int lastCol = 0;
private object lastVal = 0;
public PivotCustomEditManager(PivotGridControl pg)
: base(pg) 
_pivotGrid = pg;
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to control how the changes affect the pivot display. The base implementation calls IAdjustable methods on the summaries to accomplish the change.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldValue">The old value from the cell that was edited.</param>
/// <param name="newValue">The new value from the cell that was edited.</param>
/// <param name="row1">Points to the row index of cell being adjusted. This cell may be different from the cell that was edited.</param>
/// <param name="col1">Points to the column index of cell being adjusted. This cell may be different from the cell that was edited.</param>
/// <param name="pi">The <see cref="PivotCellInfo"/> for the cell being adjusted.</param>
protected override void ChangeValue(object oldValue, object newValue, int row1, int col1, PivotCellInfo pi)
if (row1 != _pivotGrid.InternalGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex || col1 != _pivotGrid.InternalGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex) return;
if (lastRow == row1 && lastCol == col1 && newValue == lastVal) return;
double oldTotal;
double newTotal;
if (!double.TryParse(oldValue.ToString(), out oldTotal) || !double.TryParse(newValue.ToString(), out newTotal))
// Get the raw items that make up the cell that was changed
List<object> rawItems = _pivotGrid.PivotEngine.GetRawItemsFor(row1, col1);
if (rawItems != null && rawItems.Count > 0)
SpreadValue(rawItems, "Quantity", oldTotal, newTotal, pi);
lastRow = row1;
lastCol = col1;
lastVal = newValue;
_changeValueHandled = true;
/// <summary>
/// This method is used to spread the newly edited value to the rawItems so that it will get update in datasource
/// </summary>
private void SpreadValue(List<object> rawItems, string calcFieldName, double oldValue, double newValue, PivotCellInfo pi)
// apply some VERY simple spreading for now
foreach (var item in rawItems)
var row = ((DataRowView)item).Row;
row[calcFieldName] = newValue / rawItems.Count;


Step 3: Assign the implemented CustomEditManager class to PivotGrid’s EditManager.


pivotGrid.EditManager = new PivotCustomEditManager(pivotGrid);


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