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How to enable OlapGrid Tab first and OlapChart Tab next in OlapClient Control

1 min read

In the OlapClient control, the OlapChart will be displayed as first tab item and then the OlapGrid will be placed next in the TabControl. We can interchange the OlapChart and OlapGrid tabs each other.


This can be achieved by using the following code snippet.


public MainWindow()
    ViewModel.ViewModel.ConnectionString = this.GetConnectionString();
    this.olapClient1.OlapGridTab.Loaded += 
new RoutedEventHandler(OlapGridTab_Loaded);
void OlapGridTab_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this.olapClient1.OlapGridTab.IsSelected = true;
    this.olapClient1.OlapGridTab.TabIndex = 0;



Public Sub New()
                ViewModel.ViewModel.ConnectionString = Me.GetConnectionString()
                AddHandler olapClient1.OlapGridTab.Loaded, AddressOf OlapGridTab_Loaded
End Sub
Private Sub OlapGridTab_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
                Me.olapClient1.OlapGridTab.IsSelected = True
                Me.olapClient1.OlapGridTab.TabIndex = 0
End Sub 


The following screenshot shows the same.


Figure: OlapGrid and OlapChart Tab interchanged


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