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How can we add multiple axis to OlapChart in OlapClient

1 min read

We can able to add multiple chart axis to OlapChart in OlapClient control. This can be achieved using the following code snippet.


public MainPage()
            this.DataContext = new ViewModel.ViewModel();
            this.olapClient.Loaded += olapClient_Loaded;
        void olapClient_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.olapClient.OlapChart.OnDataRefreshCompleted += new Syncfusion.Silverlight.Chart.Olap.OlapChart.DataRefreshCompleted(OlapChart_OnDataRefreshCompleted);
        private void OlapChart_OnDataRefreshCompleted(object sender, Syncfusion.Silverlight.Chart.Olap.DataRefreshCompletedEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.olapClient.OlapChart.OlapArea.Series.Count; i++)
                this.olapClient.OlapChart.OlapArea.Series[i].YAxis = new Syncfusion.Windows.Chart.ChartAxis { Header = "Test", ShowGridLines = false, OpposedPosition = true, Orientation = Orientation.Vertical };



Figure: OlapChart in OlapClient with multiple Chart Axis



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