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How to change the number of labels for secondary axis of OlapChart in OlapClient Control

1 min read

We can able to increase or decrease the number of labels presented in the secondary axis of OlapChart in OlapClient control. This can be achieved by setting the desired value to the interval in Secondary axis. Please refer the below code snippet to achieve the same.


public MainPage()
            this.DataContext = new ViewModel.ViewModel();
            this.olapClient.Loaded += olapClient_Loaded;
        void olapClient_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
           this.olapClient.OlapChart.OlapArea.SecondaryAxis.Interval = 5000000d;



Figure: OlapChart after setting the Interval for Y-Axis



Figure: OlapChart without setting Interval for Y-Axis



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