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How to customize the images in the OlapClient control.

1 min read

The OlapClient ToolBar images, OlapChart and OlapGrid ToolBar images can be customized with new images. This can be achieved by creating a Template for those images and assigning those templates to corresponding buttons. Please refer the below code snippet to know how to customize the OlapClient images.

  1. Creating Templates for images



        <DataTemplate x:Key="AddReport">

                <Image Visibility="Visible" Source="Add_Report.png" />


        <DataTemplate x:Key="ShowLegend">

            <Image Visibility="Visible" Source="ShowChartLegend.png" />


        <DataTemplate x:Key="GridCellToolTip">

            <Image Visibility="Visible" Source="GridCellToolTip.png" />




  1. Setting those templates to the corresponding button.



private OlapToolBarButton btnToolBar;

private void OlapClientWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


            SetImage(this.OlapClient.OlapClientToolBar, "PART_New", "AddReport");

            SetImage(this.OlapClient.OlapChartToolBar, "PART_ShowLegend", "ShowLegend");

            SetImage(this.OlapClient.OlapGridToolBar, "PART_VToolTip", "GridCellToolTip");




        private void SetImage(OlapToolBar olapToolBar, string BtnName, string TemplateName)


            DataTemplate myTemplate = (DataTemplate)this.Resources[TemplateName];

            for (int i = 0; i < olapToolBar.Items.Count; i++)


                if (olapToolBar.Items[i] is OlapToolBarButton)


                    btnToolBar = olapToolBar.Items[i] as OlapToolBarButton;

                    if (btnToolBar.Name == BtnName)


                        btnToolBar.ContentTemplate = myTemplate;









Figure: OlapClient ToolBar image for “NewReport” has been customized


Figure: OlapChart ToolBar image for “ShowLegend” has been customized


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