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How to initialize the connection when the OLAP Manager service is hosted in IIS?

1 min read

OLAP Client Silverlight can be connected to an Offline/Online/SQL OLAP Cube database using WCF Service that can be hosted either in local or in IIS.

To connect the OLAP Client with WCF Service hosted in IIS, you can refer the endpoint address as this initializes the connection.

Sample Service URL: http://localhost/OlapClient.Silverlight.Samples.Web/Services/OlapManager.svc

End Point Address:

EndPointAddress provides a unique network address that the client uses to communicate with a service endpoint.

For your OLAP Client Silverlight control, the endpoint address is given as binary in the web.config file and so the URL pointing to the endpoint address needs to be referred as shown here, in order to establish a connection.


// Here OlapClient.Silverlight.Samples.Web is the web project name that has been hosted in IIS and the URL points the OlapManager.svc WCF service.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/OlapClient.Silverlight.Samples.Web/Services/OlapManager.svc/binary");


‘Here OlapClient.Silverlight.Samples.Web is the web project name that has been hosted in IIS and the URL points the OlapManager.svc WCF service.
Dim address As New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/OlapClient.Silverlight.Samples.Web/Services/OlapManager.svc/binary")

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