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What are the limitations in Syncfusion ReportWriter?

1 min read

Syncfusion ReportWriter has very few limitations when compared to MS RDL Standards. The limitations are as follows.

RDL Format

Syncfusion ReportWriter supports only RDL2008 and RDL2008R2 formats and it does not support RDL20005 format.

Layout Process

Syncfusion ReportWriter has limitations in Tablix Cell and Textbox split layout process when compared with MS Report Layout Process. When a table cell or a textbox width value exceeds the page width, the entire cell or textbox is moved to the next page, in order to display the complete cell or textbox item.

Unsupported Expression

Object function and VB function do not have complete support in ReportWriter.

SSRS Shared DataSources

DataSource credentials must be added to the ReportWriter for Shared DataSources which do not have credentials in the connection string and used in the SSRS Reports.


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