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How can I use DocIO in an ASP.NET application?

2 mins read


DocIO can be used in both winforms and webforms applications without any changes to the code. The usage is the same for both winforms and webforms applications. The only difference in the case of a webforms application is that the created document is streamed to the client browser. Here is the code snippet for streaming the generated documented to the browser.


// Streaming the document to client browser.

document.Save( "Sample.doc" , FormatType.Doc , Response , HttpContentDisposition.InBrowser );

// Streaming the document in attachment.

document.Save( "Sample.doc" , FormatType.Doc , Response , HttpContentDisposition.Attachment);


' Streaming the document to client browser.

document.Save("Sample.doc", FormatType.Doc, Response, HttpContentDisposition.InBrowser)

' Streaming the document in attachment.

document.Save("Sample.doc", FormatType.Doc, Response, HttpContentDisposition.Attachment)

Here is the sample.

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