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How can I retain the custom position of the label while resizing the node?

1 min read

How can I retain the custom position of the label while resizing the node?

We can retain the labels offset value using the SizeChanged event. While resizing a node the SizeEvent gets fired. Using the event we can retain the labels position.


// Adding Event Handler
((DocumentEventSink)diagram1.Model.EventSink).SizeChanged += new SizeChangedEventHandler(Form1_SizeChanged);
outerRect.Labels.Add(new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label());
outerRect.Labels[0].Text = "Rectangle";
outerRect.Labels[0].Position = Position.Custom;
outerRect.Labels[0].OffsetX = outerRect.Size.Width / 2;
outerRect.Labels[0].OffsetY = outerRect.Size.Height;
// Resizing
void Form1_SizeChanged(SizeChangedEventArgs evtArgs)
outerRect.Labels[0].OffsetX = outerRect.Size.Width / 2;
outerRect.Labels[0].OffsetY = outerRect.Size.Height;



'' Adding Event Handler
AddHandler (CType(diagram1.Model.EventSink, DocumentEventSink)).SizeChanged, AddressOf Form1_SizeChanged
 outerRect.Labels.Add(New Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label())
outerRect.Labels(0).Text = "Rectangle"
outerRect.Labels(0).Position = Position.Custom
outerRect.Labels(0).OffsetX = outerRect.Size.Width / 2
outerRect.Labels(0).OffsetY = outerRect.Size.Height
 '' Resizing
Private Sub Form1_SizeChanged(ByVal evtArgs As SizeChangedEventArgs)
outerRect.Labels(0).OffsetX = outerRect.Size.Width / 2
outerRect.Labels(0).OffsetY = outerRect.Size.Height
End Sub



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