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How to insert LineBreak for a cell in GridDataControl using AcceptsReturn property

1 min read

GridDataControl loads with default CellType as TextBox. Edit mode allows you to edit the content of the Cell. You can enter a new line (Line break) by using Shift+Enter key in the TextBox. You can press Enter key to disable the CurrentCell’s edit mode. You can enable new line (Line break) by using Enter key and set AcceptsReturn property of GridStyleInfo class to True.

To enable this feature for a particular column, you can set ColumnStyle property of that visible column as AcceptsReturn. Refer the following code example.


<syncfusion:GridDataVisibleColumn MappingName="EmployeeID" 
HeaderText="Employee ID">
          <syncfusion:GridDataColumnStyle AcceptsReturn="True"/>

Here the Cells under EmployeeID column are customized to insert LineBreak by using Enter key.

You can also insert LineBreak for a cell using the QueryCellInfo event in code behind. Refer the following code sample where AcceptsReturn property is set to True for the cells with column name “EmployeeID”.


this.GridDataControl.Model.QueryCellInfo += new GridQueryCellInfoEventHandler(Model_QueryCellInfo);
void Model_QueryCellInfo(object sender, GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs e) 
            var style = e.Style as GridDataStyleInfo; 
            var cellidentity = style.CellIdentity;
              if(cellidentity.Column != null && cellidentity.Column.MappingName.Equals("EmployeeID")) // AcceptsReturn set as True for “EmployeeID” column
                e.Style.AcceptsReturn = true;


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