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How to get Row and Column index of Clicked Cell in GridDataControl?

1 min read

In GridDataControl, you can get the Row and Column index of a cell, using PointToCellRowColumnIndex and PointToCellRowColumnIndexOutsideCells.



This method enables you to get the Row and Column index of points in GridDataControl regardless of its position, by returning index values of points outside cell region also. You cannot distinguish if you have clicked on cell or points outside cells. The syntax of this method is PointToCellRowColumnIndex (Point p).


SyncGrid.MouseDoubleClick += new 
void SyncGrid_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        {Point mouseDownPos = e.GetPosition(gdata.Model.Grid);
            RowColumnIndex rowcol = Syncgrid.Model.Grid.PointToCellRowColumnIndex(mouseDownPos);
                MessageBox.Show("" + rowcol);


You can distinguish points inside the cells and outside, using the method PointToCellRowColumnIndexOutsideCells.


This is used to get Row and Column index of points in GridDataControl, along with a way to identify points outside cells. The syntax of this method is PointToCellRowColumnIndexOutsideCells(Point p, bool allowOutsideLines) . You can easily identify whether you have clicked at any point inside the cells or outside by setting the allowOutsideLines value as false. This method returns negative index values for points outside the cells when set”false.


SyncGrid.MouseDoubleClick += new 
Void SyncGrid_MouseDoubleClick (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
           Point mouseDownPos = e.GetPosition(SyncGrid.Model.Grid);
            RowColumnIndex rowcol = SyncGrid.Model.Grid.PointToCellRowColumnIndexOutsideCells(mouseDownPos, false);
            if (rowcol.RowIndex > SyncGrid.Model.RowCount || rowcol.RowIndex < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Clicked on the empty space");
                MessageBox.Show("clicked on cell"+"\t"+rowcol);


If you click at points inside cells, you will get the Row and Column index in the message box, otherwise, it will show as Clicked on the empty cells.

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