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How to debug the existing Syncfusion source code?

2 mins read

Debugging the existing Syncfusion source code


Syncfusion has started to provide source code as a separate installer named ‘Essential Studio Source Code Add-on’ since v9.4.0.62. To access the source code, install the Essential Studio Source Code Add-on. You can access the Essential Studio Source Code Add-on from the Essential Studio Dashboard. You can also download it from the Products and Downloads page using your support account in Direct-Trac. When you are using earlier versions like 9.3.0.x, you must install Essential Studio with the respective version’s unlock key. For example, when you are working with Essential Studio v8.3.0.21, you would need to install it with the v8.3.0.21 unlock key.

You can refer the detailed documentation about Source Code Add-ons from the following  link.

Source code

In order to debug Syncfusion’s source code, ensure that the necessary code is shipped to your machine under the following path:

Path: [Syncfusion Installed Path]\platforms

When you make changes to the Syncfusion source code and want to use it in your application, you need to rebuild the source again. The tool, Build Manager, makes your work easy.


  1. Based on the .NET Framework installed in your machine, the Syncfusion Build Manager enables the framework version check box.
  2. When you are using Essential Studio v., download the Syncfusion Assembly Manager from the following location:

                    Assembly Manager

  1. Replace the AssemblyManagerWindows.exe file and the AssemblyManagerConsole.exe file in the following path:

                         Path: [Syncfusion Installed Path]\Utilities\AssemblyManager

  1. For all other Essential Studio versions, you can use the Assembly Manager from the above mentioned installed path.



The source of the assemblies listed above can be found under the following path:

For 32 bit: ${install_drive}:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\${version}

For 64 Bit: ${install_drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\${version}

Follow the instructions provided to build assemblies with Build Manager.

  1. Open the Dashboard and run the Build Manager Utility.
  2. Choose the framework version you want and the product from the Product combo box.
  3. By checking the Use Prebuilt Dependencies option, you can also choose the dependency assemblies to be built in debug mode or from a precompiledassemblies folder.
  4. Choose the Debug option under the Assembly Type group box.
  5. Choose Perform Build. Doing so compiles the assemblies that can be debugged and the PDB files into the following path:

Path: [Syncfusion Installed Path]\UserAssemblies\[version]\[Framework Version]\debug

Syncfusion Build Manager

Figure 1: Syncfusion Build Manager

  1. Once the build is complete, click the Launch Assembly Manager button from the Build Manager tool to open the Syncfusion Assembly Manager.
  2. Choose the Remove All Versions option under Action in the Assembly Manager.

Syncfusion Assembly Manager

Figure 2: Syncfusion Assembly Manager

  1. In order to install, you have to choose the assembly type as Debug, and then choose Perform Action

Debug and Perform Action in Syncfusion Assembly Manager

Figure 3: Debug and Perform Action

  1. Open your project and ensure that you have set Copy Local as False in all Syncfusion assemblies, then, recompile the project.
  2.  Set a breakpoint, creating an instance of a Grid control, and then run your                           application.
  3.  Once Visual Studio hits the breakpoint, press the F11 key to debug the       Syncfusion control source code.

You can refer the detailed documentation about Build Manager in the following link:

Build Manager

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