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Switching to another version of Syncfusion in a development machine

1 min read

Switching to another version of Syncfusion in a development machine

To switch to a newer version of Syncfusion, please make sure that GAC does not contain older versions of Syncfusion assemblies. If GAC contains multiple versions of Syncfusion assemblies, please run the Syncfusion Assembly Manager utility to remove older versions of assemblies.


For more information about Assembly Manager, please visit

Assembly Manager

Make sure your project or application local directory does not contain different versions of Syncfusion assemblies. If it does contain different versions of Syncfusion assemblies, please remove those assemblies.

Make sure that your project’s Syncfusion-referenced-assembly property for the specific version is set to FALSE.


Before you build your application, ensure that referenced assemblies are referencing the correct version of the Syncfusion assemblies. Also, please remove the bin and obj folders.

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