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Is there a way to specify a minimum size for my symbols? Can I reset the symbol bounds from the Diagram.BoundsChanged event?

1 min read

Is there a way to specify a minimum size for my symbols? Can I reset the symbol bounds from the Diagram.BoundsChanged event?

The Diagram.BoundsChanged event is not a good place to change a node's bounds as doing so will set off a recursive sequence of events. A better option would be replace the diagram ResizeTool with a custom version that checks a node's bounds before resizing it and pre-empts the operation if the new size is less than a certain value.

Looking at the ResizeTool class and it's IMouseEventReceiver.MouseUp handler in particular will give you a good idea on how to go about creating a custom verison of the ResizeTool. You can find the ResizeTool.cs file under the Diagram.Base\Src\Tools folder (Diagram.Windows\Src\Tools if you are running the 4.1 beta).

The Diagram.Controller.RegisterTool()/UnRegisterTool methods can be used to replace the existing ResizeTool with your customized version.


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