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Is it possible to get a list of the nodes in a diagram in order of their position in the Z-Order?

1 min read


Is it possible to get a list of the nodes in a diagram in order of their position in the Z-Order?

Accessing the diagram's child nodes through the model layers will let you get hold of the nodes according to their Z-order. Populating the 'nodesinZOrder' list in the manner shown below will set it up with the diagram's child nodes in order of increasing Z-order, ie., the bottom-most node will be the first item in the list while the topmost node will be the last.


ArrayList nodesinZOrder = new ArrayList();
foreach(Layer layer in this.diagramComponent.Model.Layers)
IEnumerator inodes = layer.GetEnumerator();



Dim nodesinZOrder As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
Dim layer As Layer
For Each layer In Me.diagramComponent.Model.Layers
Dim inodes As IEnumerator = layer.GetEnumerator()
While inodes.MoveNext()
End While


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