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Can I export a chart with two different series types to an Excel sheet?

1 min read

Yes, you can export a chart with two different series types to an Excel sheet. You can implement this by using the following code snippets.


IChartSerie serieOne = chart.Series[0];

// Line Series type.

serieOne.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line;

// Column_clustered Series type.

IChartSerie serietwo = chart.Series[1];

serietwo.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line;



Dim serieOne As IChartSerie = chart.Series(0)

' Line Series type.

serieOne.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line

' Column_clustered Series type.

Dim serieOne As IChartSerie = chart.Series(1)

serietwo.SerieType = ExcelChartType.Line


Here is the sample for your reference:


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