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How can we preserve the type string in Templatemarkers?

1 min read

We do not provide direct support for preserving data type when template marker is used. However you can use IsStringsPreserved property of IWorksheet, which would preserve the values in the workbook as string. And you can use the IgnoreErrorOptions to ignore the green error indicator. The below code illustrates this:


//Indicates if all cell values are preserved as strings
sheet.IsStringsPreserved = true;
string[] array2 = new string[] { "2.5", "1.2", "1.3" };
string[] array1 = new string[] { "11", "12", "13" };
ITemplateMarkersProcessor marker = workbook.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor();
marker.AddVariable("ArrayProperty1", array1);
marker.AddVariable("ArrayProperty2", array2);
//Ignore the green indicator
sheet.UsedRange.IgnoreErrorOptions = ExcelIgnoreError.All;


'Indicates if all cell values are preserved as strings
sheet.IsStringsPreserved = True
Dim array2() As String = New String() {"2.5", "1.2", "1.3"}
Dim array1() As String = New String() {"11", "12", "13"}
Dim marker As ITemplateMarkersProcessor = workbook.CreateTemplateMarkersProcessor()
marker.AddVariable("ArrayProperty1", array1)
marker.AddVariable("ArrayProperty2", array2)
'Ignore the green indicator
sheet.UsedRange.IgnoreErrorOptions = ExcelIgnoreError.All

Here is the sample for your reference:

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