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How do I set the Diagram to a ReadOnly state, but still retain certain features like Zooming?

1 min read

How do I set the Diagram to a ReadOnly state, but still retain certain features like Zooming?

Diagram user interactivity is enabled through the interactive Tools registered with the Diagram's Controller. To disable interactivity, you will have to iterate the list of Tools, and selectively enable/disable each tool depending on the functionality that you want to retain. The following code shows how to disable all but the Zoom and Pan tools,


// Get the collection of registered Tools, and disable those that are not required
Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Tool[] tools = this.diagramComponent.Controller.GetAllTools();
foreach(Tool tool in tools)
// Retain the Enabled state for the Zoom and Pan tools
if((tool.Name == "ZoomTool") || (tool.Name == "PanTool"))
tool.Enabled = false;
this.diagramComponent.AllowDrop = false;



Dim tools As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Tool() = Me.diagramComponent.Controller.GetAllTools()
Dim tool As tool
For Each tool In tools
' Retain the Enabled state for the Zoom and Pan tools
If Not (tool.Name = "ZoomTool") And Not (tool.Name = "PanTool") Then
tool.Enabled = False
End If
Me.diagramComponent.AllowDrop = False


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