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How can I create a directional Link?

1 min read

How can I create a directional Link?

Links can be provided with end point decorators to convey direction. The following code snippet shows how to create a directional link by adding a 'Filled Arrow' end point visual to the head port edge of the Link,


// Create a directional link

Link link = new Link(pts); EndPointDecoratorModel decoratorMdl = Global.EndPointDecoratorPalette["Filled Arrow"]; if (decoratorMdl != null) {  link.EndPoints.LastEndPointDecorator = decoratorMdl.CreateInstance(); }



// Create a directional link

Dim link As New Link(pts) Dim decoratorMdl As EndPointDecoratorModel = Global.EndPointDecoratorPalette("Filled Arrow") If Not (decoratorMdl Is Nothing) Then  link.EndPoints.LastEndPointDecorator = decoratorMdl.CreateInstance() End If


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