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How can I add a custom property to the Diagram? How can I display the property in the Property Editor?

2 mins read

How can I add a custom property to the Diagram? How can I display the property in the Property Editor?

The sample included in this Knowledge Base article demonstrates how you can add a custom property to the Diagram and also display it in the the Property Editor. This sample uses a derived Diagram (MyDiagram) whose CreateModel method is overridden to use a derived Model (MyModel). MyModel’s SetDefaultPropertyValues is overridden to add the new MyCustomProperty property using the SetPropertyValue method. This property is displayed under a new category and also includes a description.

When you build and run the sample you can now see the new property (MyCustomProperty) in the Property Editor in the MyProperties category.


//Derived Diagram public class MyDiagram: Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Controls.Diagram {

 public override Model CreateModel()  {

  return new QuickStart.MainForm.MyModel();  } }

//Derived Model where the new property is added public class MyModel: Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Model {

 public override void SetDefaultPropertyValues()  {   base.SetDefaultPropertyValues ();   this.SetPropertyValue("MyCustomProperty", 0);

}  [  Browsable(true),  Category("MyProperties"),  Description("Description for MyCustomProperty")  ]  public int MyCustomProperty  {  get   {   object value = this.GetPropertyValue("MyCustomProperty");   if (value != null)    {

    return (int) value;


   return 0;   }  }



//Derived Diagram Public Class MyDiagram         Inherits Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Controls.Diagram                 Public Overrides Function CreateModel() As Model                 Return New QuickStart.MainForm.MyModel()   End Function 'CreateModel     End Class
//Derived Model where the new property is added          Public Class MyModel         Inherits Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Model                         Public Overrides Sub SetDefaultPropertyValues()             MyBase.SetDefaultPropertyValues()             Me.SetPropertyValue("MyCustomProperty", 0)         End Sub 'SetDefaultPropertyValues                           _         Public ReadOnly Property MyCustomProperty() As Integer             Get                 Dim value As Object = Me.GetPropertyValue("MyCustomProperty")                 If Not (value Is Nothing) Then                                         Return Fix(value)                 End If                                 Return 0             End Get         End Property     End Class 'MyModel End Class


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