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How can I hide and show the header of a Taskbar through code ?

1 min read


The header of the task bar can be hidden and shown through code. The following example shows how to hide or show the header of the task bar.


//set the header as visible using the header style Setter ss = new Setter(); Style style = new Style(); ss.Property = TaskBar.VisibilityProperty; ss.Value = Visibility.Visible; style.Setters.Add(ss); TaskBar.SetValue(TaskBar.HeaderStyleProperty, style); //set the header to collpased using the header style Setter ss = new Setter(); Style style = new Style(); ss.Property = TaskBar.VisibilityProperty; ss.Value = Visibility.Collapsed; style.Setters.Add(ss); TaskBar.SetValue(TaskBar.HeaderStyleProperty, style);

Syncfusion Inc.

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