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How do I determine when a new link has been added to or removed from the diagram?

3 mins read

How do I determine when a new link has been added to or removed from the diagram?

The Diagram.Model.ConnectionsChangeComplete event can be used to determine when a new Link has been added or removed from the diagram. 

The event's ConnectionCollectionEventArgs event argument provides information about the nature of the change and the connection(s) that were involved. Examining the Connection object's SourcePort and TargetPort properties for an object of type 'LinkPort' and accessing the LinkPort's Container property will let you get hold of the link that was involved in the connection. Once the link is available, the Link.FromNode and Link.ToNode properties may be used to get hold of the symbols that the link connects.

The following code sample demonstrates how to detect a new link being added to the Diagram. In the snippet we also examine the symbols that the new link connects, and if the symbols are found to be of the same type, remove the link from the diagram.


// Use the Diagram.ConnectionsChangeComplete event to be notified of the creation of a new Link.
// The Link.FromNode and Link.ToNode properties provide access to the symbols that the link connects.
private void diagram1_ConnectionsChangeComplete(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.ConnectionCollectionEventArgs evtArgs)
if((evtArgs.ChangeType == Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.CollectionExChangeType.Insert) && (evtArgs.Connection != null))
Connection newconn = evtArgs.Connection;
Link newlink = null;
if(newconn.SourcePort is LinkPort)
newlink = newconn.SourcePort.Container as Link;
else if(newconn.TargetPort is LinkPort)
newlink = newconn.TargetPort.Container as Link;
if((newlink != null) && (newlink.FromNode != null) && (newlink.ToNode != null))
Trace.WriteLine("A new link was added to the Diagram");
Symbol tailsymbol = newlink.FromNode as Symbol;
Symbol headsymbol = newlink.ToNode as Symbol;
if((tailsymbol.Nodes.Count == headsymbol.Nodes.Count) && (tailsymbol.Nodes[0].Name == headsymbol.Nodes[0].Name))
// Comparing the symbol's child nodes count and child node type is a simplistic way
// to determine whether the two symbols are of the same type.
Trace.WriteLine("The two symbols are of the same type.");
// Use the RemoveNodesCmd to delete the new link
RemoveNodesCmd removecmd = new RemoveNodesCmd();


Private Sub diagram1_ConnectionsChangeComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal evtArgs As Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.ConnectionCollectionEventArgs) Handles diagram1.ConnectionsChangeComplete
If evtArgs.ChangeType = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.CollectionExChangeType.Insert AndAlso Not (evtArgs.Connection Is Nothing) Then
Dim newconn As Connection = evtArgs.Connection
Dim newlink As Link = Nothing
If TypeOf newconn.SourcePort Is LinkPort Then
newlink = newconn.SourcePort.Container
End If
If TypeOf newconn.TargetPort Is LinkPort Then
newlink = newconn.TargetPort.Container
End If
If Not (newlink Is Nothing) AndAlso Not (newlink.FromNode Is Nothing) AndAlso Not (newlink.ToNode Is Nothing) Then
Trace.WriteLine("A new link was added to the Diagram")
Dim tailsymbol As Symbol = newlink.FromNode
Dim headsymbol As Symbol = newlink.ToNode
If tailsymbol.Nodes.Count = headsymbol.Nodes.Count AndAlso tailsymbol.Nodes(0).Name = headsymbol.Nodes(0).Name Then
' Comparing the symbol's child nodes count and child node type is a simplistic way
' to determine whether the two symbols are of the same type.
Trace.WriteLine("The two symbols are of the same type.")
' Use the RemoveNodesCmd to delete the new link
Dim removecmd As New RemoveNodesCmd
End If
End If
End If
End Sub


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